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As Three Irmãs

um rocky melodrama em four chapters


As Três Irmãs - um rocky melodrama in four chapters is a contemporary version of the work ofAnton Chekhov, what I proposed different exit for Olga, Macha and Irina. A livre adaptação da dramaturga transexual brasileira Leonarda Glück, desloca as personagens Tchékhovianas à atual cena social e cultural iberoamericana que, por sua vez, abandonam a submissão e adotam positions of decision and power. A conception desse trabalho leva strongly influenced by Queer art, Almodovarian aesthetics and Brazilian Tropicalism.


Dramaturgy: Leonarda Glück (from the play byAnton Chekhov)

General Director: Mari Paula

Performance and breeding:  Dario Oruj, Lyncoln Diniz, Mari Paula e Rafuska Marks

Costume e maquiagem: Lyncoln Diniz 

Bonecxs: Dario Oruj 

Luzes e Photos: Fernanda Carvalho

Video: Adrian Torices

Realization: Águila produções

Collaboration: Casa Selvática Cultural Center (Curitiba, Brazil) e DT Scenic Space (Madrid)

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