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Inherited from the word “cartography”, the use of the term “bodygraphy” -as the theoretical exploration founded on the concept- appears for the first time in studies and texts by the architect and urbanist teacher Paola Jacques in 2003: «the city is read by The body as a set of interactive conditions, and the body reveals the synthesis of such interaction, recovering in our body what we have called urban bodygraphy». Bodygraphy is a corporal cartography, the body-graphy and of there bodygraphy.

The artistic current of cartography can be briefly defined as an ephemeral action: a drawing that occurs through the relationship established between the subject and the space and as a representation of condensed lines and sketches on a map. The cartography method does not allow a theoretical-practical separation; It is a research-intervention that generates the production of knowledge and reality. The cartographic action is opposed to the scenographic city, you can know not only to acquire information about a supposedly established space, but also recognize the significance and uniqueness of each space and commit to the production of subjectivity.

In the same line of cartographic investigation, the bodygraphy is focused on the corporal actions and is established as an affective map, from where the map of the territory is read through the body. This body crosses with subtlety or aggressiveness in the landscapes of the city and this map is showing how the relationships that live and pulsate in the city are revealed; é en nosotros y con nosotros. For Paola Jacques, the notion of bodygraphy comprises the body as the phenomenon of representation and its experiences with the environment, where the territory is the extended phenotype of the body, so that the two are expressed in turn. A bodygraphy understands the body as a synthesis of sensorial and motor registers (corporeal actions) that are self-selected when they relate to the space, from where the space becomes the synthesis of this register. It is not a matter of determinism, but of shared constructions and a process that merges the body and the territory, in which no one stands in front of the other and passes together.

Bodygraphy is a dance and territory project guided by choreographer Mari Paula. The proposal is organized in a short residency of corporal and urban experimentation between the selected resident dancers and the spaces of the city where the proposal will be presented.

The result of the project is not only reflected in the performative action, but also and mainly in the experiences and subjectivities of each participant.


Bodygraphy is a proposal to be carried out within the programming of Festivals, Choreographic Centers, Universities, etc.


The proposal is organized in 6 working days, as follows:

- 1st day - audition/selection of local artists;

- 2nd to 5th day - physical experimentation residency in the chosen locations.

- 6th day - Bodygraphy

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