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“Anthropophagous body” Workshop

Creative methods in dance and performance


The workshop is an exercise in reflection on the body processes of thinking-doing. The approach is aimed at all people who wish to reconsider the way of perceiving and approaching the body language in dance and performance. The methodology is based on the contemporary dance technique, on the concepts of ‘alterity’ (condition of being another) and ‘cultural anthropophagy’ (an artistic movement became known through Brazilian Modernism). In this proposal, the idea of cultural anthropophagy will be updated: “eating, digesting and cultural appropriation” and it will be applied to the body in motion field, in a hybrid and updated way.



  • To enable the students to understand body language as an anthropophagous and alterity factor.

  • To expand the creative and technical possibilities for performance artists, teaching new body tools.

  • To promote reflection/action on creation and to reach new limits of body language.



UNIT ONE: Theoretical introduction to the concepts of ‘cultural anthropophagy’ and ‘anthropophagous body’, and analysis of the major artists and creators of anthropophagy art.

UNIT TWO: Implementation of acquired knowledge through contemporary dance exercises and physical plays, in order to generate —at an emotional, psychic and corporal level— new creative paths. Collective creation reflecting on the transmission and acquisition of knowledge through the practice of eating the body in motion.


*The workshop format will be discussed with the institution depending on its needs (basic, intermediate or advanced training).


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