'Inhabited Space: bodygraphies to make territories visible'
'Inhabited Space: bodygraphies to make territories visible' is a project that unites dance, contemporary visual installation and urban planning to produce an artistic-videographic documentation that reflects on Empty Spain in Cantabria.
Through the transversality between different disciplines, such as dance, urbanism, installation, video and sound, this project aims to contribute to the understanding of interculturality, make visible the vital and cultural experience of spaces and regions at risk of abandonment. and above all, to bring the public closer to this increasingly latent problem through an artistic action.
The Cantabrian project was born from the desire to bring dance and contemporary art closer to the rural environment. For this, it has an interdisciplinary development that puts into practice concepts that bring art closer to everyday life and that collaborate with the process of affectivity of the subject with his environment.
This edition brings together a highly qualified team of professionals both due to their trajectory and their multidisciplinary nature and previous work experience:
the usual team of EspaciosHabitados Carlos Molina (Lumierescene) and Juan Sebastian Lopez Galeano (Spacecircles), is joined by a local team of professionals from the Autonomous Community of Cantabria: the producer, creator, choreographer and performer Mari Paula; the dancer and choreographer Rebeca Garcia Celdrán; Adrián Torices (Torreón Architecture and Territory); the musician Jaime Peña (JPGr) and the manager Marta Romero.
Through an urban study carried out by Torreón Arquitectura y Territorio, the municipalities of Luena, Tudanca and Valdeolea have been chosen, as they have the highest relative rate of depopulation in the Autonomous Community of Cantabria in the last 20 years. With the desire to promote the unique expressiveness that can exist in these three areas, reactivate the memory of our rural environment and the symbolic of its oblivion, this project decides to intervene artistically in these municipalities in order to promote and give new meaning to the sensitive dialogue that may exist between the individual and territory.
With the aim of bringing the public closer to reflecting on the social and cultural oblivion of rural tradition, the final result of the project is a 50-minute artistic-videographic medium-length film that brings together in a single piece the records of the interventions carried out. The material was screened at the Filmoteca de Cantabria, in Santander during the month of December 2020 and its launch featured a talk between the creative artists and the Santander public.
It had the collaboration and financing of the Fundación Santander Creativa and the support of the Filmoteca de Cantabria.